Have you recently reviewed and switched your energy supplier, maybe your broadband, telephone networks or perhaps your insurance providers? How about your pension?
More and more people are reviewing their pension pots and switching their investments to an alternative pension provider. Though it can appear daunting at first, there are some very good reasons why it may be in your best interests to switch your pension to a new product and provider.
Is it time to get your pension ducks in a row?
Before taking any steps towards switching your pension it is essential that you consult with an independent pension expert about any potential risks such as losing a guaranteed annuity rate.
Many people have doubts and concerns about whether their current pension is going to leave them worse off or not in retirement. Naturally, they think about switching their pension, but in the end don’t do so because perhaps they think it is too much trouble, too complicated or confusing and possibly expensive.
True, trying to make sense of all the options available to you and understanding the risks involved can leave you with a headache. It is no wonder that some people do not switch their pensions when faced with so much information!
The good news is that an independent financial advisor will do all the hard graft for you. For instance, John Tamblin Financial Services would do all the research and then present you with the best options.
John says, “It is always important to carry out a review of your current product and retirement goals. Once we have established your objectives and attitude to risk, I can compare various schemes from the entire marketplace and identify the most suitable pension product that meets your personal circumstances. I will also check to see if there are any restrictions or associated transfer fees.
Finally, if we do recommend that you switch, then I’ll sort all the paperwork out and manage the transfer of funds to your new pension. After that we’ll review your pension every year to make sure it is on track to meet your retirement goals“.
For a no-obligation and independent discussion about your retirement plans you may contact John via the form on the website or email him (info@johntamblin.com). The best way to contact him would be to phone him directly on 07880 795710.
John is based in Kendal and advises clients about their pensions across Cumbria and north Lancashire.
John Tamblin Financial Services Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority –FSR No. 717987.
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